Saturday, February 13, 2010

Well the french macarons were hit and miss. Simple enough ingredients (eggs, sugar and almond meal) but still pretty difficult to get the right consistency. The chocolate ones were the first I attempted and stupidly I didn't read the instructions carefully enough and screwed up the first batch. The next two batches turned out better but the batter was a little thick. The last batch ended up being the best because the batter was slightly runny so it was able to get a nicer smoother shape. All in all I think it was a pretty successful experiment and a hit with the family. Especially the lemon flavoured ones.

Seeing as it was Valentine's day last Sunday I decided to make some sugar cookies for all my single friends. I made them heart shaped with pink icing. Lame I know but I think everybody likes to get something on Valentine's day even if they
say they don't. They went over a treat. I didn't think the cookies turned out that great but its the thought behind them that counts.

My puppy turned 1 year old recently. This photo is when he was 9 weeks old. So tiny and adorable.


He has gotten a little bigger but I can still pick him up with just one hand which I love.
I thought I would also share the funniest photo I have of him too...

Puppy Shock
Little rascal.

Good times. I'm going to Soundwave festival next Friday! So many good bands are playing I am really excited. Taking Back Sunday, Alexisonfire, Paramore and Jimmy Eat World. Its so going to be awesome. I have seen all these bands before, infact I think I have seen Taking Back Sunday at least three times. Paramore twice and Alexisonfire and Jimmy Eat World once each. But they are amazing artists and I hope to discover some more bands while I am there.

Song of the day - "Head over heels" - New Found Glory

Lana xox

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